What’s the role of musicians in a world that’s falling apart?

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It’s easy to dismiss the arts as “impractical” in times of trouble or great need. After all, does a song or a painting feed a hungry child or solve a global pandemic?
That being said, many artists and musicians KNOW that they just HAVE to make art. This is where our training, interest, and gifts are, after all! How do we bridge this seeming divide?
In this video, Joseph Arnold and Aaron Bigeleisen talk about how self-care, discovering your life’s purpose, and how redefining what you do in light of your life’s purpose will give you the ability to lead an inspired life as a musician, a life that truly benefits a would in crisis.
Take the first steps to greater self-care with our FREE mini course! “5 Simple & Surprisingly Effective Techniques for Relieving Pain & Releasing Tension While Practicing Even the Most Challenging Music” https://bit.ly/3uz4dx8
Got tension or pain? Get on the waiting list for our upcoming course, “The Magic Pause: The 5-second technique that is the single most powerful, easy-to-implement, and sure-fire method for instant relief from the tightness and tension that causes musician’s injuries” https://bit.ly/3dthB06
Joseph Arnold, Violinist, Alexander Technique Teacher, and Co-Director of the Soulforce Music School
Aaron Bigeleisen, Vocalist, Alexander Technique Teacher Trainee, and Co-Director of the Soulforce Music School
Soulforce Music on CastBox: https://bit.ly/39QFqg9
Check out our free meditations, talk-throughs, discussions, and more on our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3umgDbI
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