Life Purpose for Performing Artists – 100 Days of Soulforce #3

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A gold colored circle with green background
Life purpose means going beyond merely have a “career” in a particular field, but really living out, as David Whyte says, “The story you were born with.” Another important idea is that your life purpose must connect with a real hunger or need in the world – it can’t be just a hobby, in other words. Discovering your life purpose will fill your life with significance and meaning; it’s hard work, but so well-worth the effort that I include it as one of the Six Pillars of Soulforce Performance Artistry.
Day 3 of 100 Days of Soulforce:
– Intro to life purpose
– Quotes by David Whyte and Frederick Buechner
– How this improves life as a performing artist: performing, teaching, practicing, etc.
– How life purpose is to be found under your wounds, like gold in the dragon’s lair
– Guided contemplation: What’s the gold hidden in your dragon’s lair?
Stay tuned for more!
What’s “100 Days of Soulforce”?
I’m embarking on a mission to spread the word about Soulforce Performing Arts because I believe it is a needed message for artists of all kinds in our times. To that end, I’m making 100 videos over the coming 100 days (or so) to explain all the different angles and ideas, and to hopefully spark inspiration in you! Each video will have inspirational and practical ideas for you to bring more Soulforce to your life as a performing artist.
Subscribe to my blog or YouTube channel to stay tuned.
Joseph Arnold
Violinist, Alexander Technique teacher, Founder of the Soulforce Arts Academy Sign up for my bodacious mailing list and blog.
These ideas are a part of my upcoming book: “Soulforce Performance Arts: Redefining Artistic Performance, Practice, and Pedagogy in a World That’s Lost Its Mind.” Subscribers to my newsletter will get early access and special perks!
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