How Accountability Fuels Your Growth Without Crushing Your Creative Freedom

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Discover the surprising benefits of embracing accountability — reach your creative goals faster, more consistently, and more joyfully

Many creatives have a love/hate relationship with accountability. 🙈

On the one hand, it tends to bring up painful childhood memories of being forced to adhere to rigid rules and timelines. 🤕

Think of all the “shoulds,” self-doubt, and inner criticism that sometimes accompany your creative process. Who would want more of this? 🙅‍♀️

On the other hand, accountability brings the promise of making consistent, tangible progress towards your creative goals. 🤩

Despite its drawbacks, many adult creatives miss the structure and accountability provided by their schooling. We long to fulfill our potential, but instead feel stuck in the mud. 💩

What if there was a way of bringing accountability and your creative spark together? 🤔

It all has to do with your story of accountability.

The story many of us inherit is one based in authoritarianism, fear, and trauma. ☹

“If you don’t do what I say, I’ll punish you!” This is the message that all too many caretakers and teachers unwittingly send to us.

This happens even in the arts! “If you don’t practice more…” “If you make that mistake again…” “If I have to tell you one more time…”


The message we receive in this story of accountability is that there’s something inherently wrong with us. This, in turn, colors our entire creative life, souring our love for creativity. 😣

Time for a new story, don’t you think?

Here’s a story of accountability based on a different story.

It starts with the truth that you are basically good. 😇

No matter what has happened in your life, what you’ve done, what anybody has ever said to the contrary, you are basically good.

Don’t believe me? Look inside and you’ll discover that part of you that has known this all along. This is why it hurts when others imply that you’re not good or worthy of love. 🤯

In the new story, accountability has a very different role. Instead of being an instrument of punishment or manipulation, it’s a means of staying true to what you want.

Instead of being imposed from an outside authority, or even from your “inner taskmaster,” true accountability rests on getting in touch with the authority of your heart and soul. 💖

What does your heart want to create? What does your soul long for? What are your deepest truths and desires?

When you create with these questions in mind, you no longer need to force yourself to adhere to rigid rules and timelines. Creating goes from “have to” to “love to!”

That being said, you will inevitably experience times of imperfect clarity.

In those times, it can be helpful to have outside help. Flourishing creatively is not a solo endeavor, after all. You need others to see you and to remind you of what you say you want.

In this new story of accountability, we work together to keep each other on track as we help ourselves, our creations, and our communities flourish. 👭

In this new story, accountability feels GREAT because you see how it helps you move towards what matters most to you. 😍

And isn’t a life where you make consistent, tangible progress towards what matters most to you the very definition of a meaningful life?

What’s your story of accountability? What does it mean to you?

Check out my new accountability group for creatives, “The Dream Factory.”

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