Why I’m Offering Alexander Technique Lessons at a 90% Discount

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Why I'm Offering Alexander Technique Lessons at a 90% Discount


I’ve read a lot of marketing advice over the years. One of the biggest takeaways was never to compete on price, since that only devalues your offerings.


Here, I have always faced a conundrum.


On the one hand, one of my greatest joys in life is helping musicians and artists relieve injuries and then to channel their creative Soulforce through methods like the Alexander Technique. Artists are are my people and I love serving them.


On the other, artists aren’t known for making tons of cash. One of the most common reasons potential students decline to take lessons, even if they really need them, is the expense. 


It doesn’t help that Alexander Technique lessons can be very expensive – sometimes upwards of $150/hour.


I’ve never charged that much for private lessons because it would mean so many would be excluded from taking lessons. Even with my more modest rates, however, many musicians and artists who’d like to dive deep into the Alexander Technique still can’t afford ongoing lessons.


I created the Soulforce Arts Community to solve this problem. 


The Soulforce Arts Community provides a rich, supportive learning environment that everyday, extraordinary artists like yourself can easily afford.


For just $29/month*, a membership in the Community includes four online Alexander Technique group classes, one per week.


In contrast, if you were to take weekly private lessons, you might end up paying $320/month – or more. That’s more than a 10X price increase.


The math is simple. As a member of the Soulforce Arts Community, you get a year’s worth of Alexander Technique classes* for less than the price of one month of modestly-priced private lessons.

(*Yes, these will be group classes, but even as the Community grows I will try to keep class sizes small so everyone gets plenty of attention.)


What else can you get for $29/month? Six lattes, fifteen minutes of psychotherapy, a gym membership, one and a half yoga classes, a tank of gas, a single dinner with drinks, two turtledoves, and a partridge… sorry, got distracted there…


While you might get a lot of enjoyment out of any of these (including the turtledoves), the Soulforce Arts Community offers a lot more than just a low price.


You see, private lessons are great, but I’ve always sensed that more is needed for real, long-term transformation.


We need continuity between lessons, a variety of learning resources, and – most importantly – a community of peers who are going through the same process you are.


The Soulforce Arts Community offers all of these to create the ideal learning environment for artists who want to take their creative life to the next level.


Membership includes:

  • Access to my weekly masterclasses and Q&As on Alexander Technique, artistic purpose, and creativity-enhancing mind-body techniques
  • All my online course recordings – free!
  • Instruction in the Alexander Technique to free your body from tension, open a channel to your Soulforce, and enhance your artistic capabilities.
  • A community where you can showcase your work and receive supportive feedback.
  • Live calls with established artist guest speakers to help you revitalize your creativity.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with fellow community members and expand your creative horizons.
  • Coming soon: Grants given to members whose projects exemplify the core values of Soulforce Arts.


The Soulforce Arts Community launches on 2/26/24, so sign up now to get in on the ground floor!


Want to learn more? Click here.
Ready to join? Sign up here.
Not sure yet? Sign up and get a free two-week trial with no pressure to continue if it doesn’t feel right.


Introductory offer:
*The first 25 members get an introductory price of $29/month or $290/year.
After that, pricing reverts to $39/month.


See you in a few days for more on the transformative power of community for artists!


Questions? Email me at [email protected]



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