Art, Purpose, and Money

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Insights for a soul-led creative livelihood

Just had an amazing meditation session this morning. 🧘‍♀️

Got a ton of insights into how to craft a fulfilling artistic livelihood.

I meditate every day and often use it to explore important questions in my life. 🤔

During today’s session, I asked myself this question:

👉 “What would it take to make plenty of money in a way that feels effortless, nourishing, warm, fun, and astonishing that it’s this easy and fun?”

I wanted to share what came up for me because I know I’m not the only one who feels a dissonance between:

What it often takes to make money, andWhat it takes to be happy and fulfilled.

Here are some of the insights that came up for me.

Firstly, making money needs to feel like an accident. 🌠

I want to be able to say to myself, “Holy shit — I get paid this much to do what I love most?!?!”

For this, I must focus solely on doing the things I love most and then communicate about these things skillfully and in ways I enjoy.

What are the things I love most?

💖 Soul-Touching: Sharing my insights and music, and seeing the profound impact these have on my audiences

💖 Thinking Aloud: Being a professional philosopher. I love thinking deeply, finding hidden connections, seeing the larger picture that everyone else misses, and putting it all together in ways that touch peoples’ lives.

💖 Modern Mystic: I love exploring the outer reaches of inner space, discovering the sacred within, healing my wounds, exploring the limits of mind and consciousness.

💖 Visionary Leadership: I love being in situations where I’m a respected leader, able to give my gifts well and have them be well-received. I also love being on the cutting edge of thought.

💖 Noble Friends & Noble Conversations: I love inquiring into life’s deepest mysteries with other earnest, heart-centered, and humble seekers.

Here’s how I make these insights tangible.

➡ I write insights like these in a place I can easily access

➡ Every day (or as needed), I review them, especially focusing on the feeling they evoke

➡ At decision points, I ask myself, “Does making this decision move me closer or further from what I love most?”

This practice allows me to stay focused on my greatest gifts, my creative sweet spot, my ideal quality of life, and the kind of impact I want to have.

Here’s some homework for you.

✔ Make a list of all the activities you do in your livelihood, maybe 10–20 items.

✔ Rate each one on a scale of 1–10, 1 being activities you hate, and 10 being the ones you love most.

✔ See what’s common among the activities with the lowest and highest ratings.

What do the highest-rated activities say about your creative gifts, what you love doing most? Can you find ways of focusing more on these activities? Write your insights somewhere you’ll see them daily.

For the lowest rated activities: Can you find ways of letting any of these go? If not, can you redefine any of them in terms of what will allow you to spend more time on the activities you love?

Would you like to dive deeper into what brings you the most alive in your artistic livelihood?

Join me this Saturday 10/5/24 for a FREE masterclass!

It’s called “LOVE CREATING AGAIN: Revive Your Creative Spark & Reclaim Your Artistic Purpose.”

Here’s the link:

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