Mistake Mindset Makeover

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For many musicians, mistakes are a source of fear – and even shame. You get really focused on not making mistakes and this often takes the fun out of playing music. Furthermore, this stress can make your body tight in a way that can compound one mistake into another and another.
In order to take the fear, shame, stress, and tension out of making mistakes, you need to totally reframe how to think about mistakes – a “Mistake Mindset Makeover!”
In this Soulforce Music Deep Dive, Joseph & Aaron walk you through a developmental model called Spiral Dynamics, which will completely revolutionize the way you think about mistakes so that you can play with more freedom, ease, confidence, heart, and joy that you have ever thought possible.
More resources on Spiral Dynamics:
Sign up for our FREE mini course!
“5 Simple & Surprisingly Effective Techniques for Relieving Pain & Releasing Tension While Practicing Even the Most Challenging Music” https://bit.ly/3uz4dx8​
Got tension & pain? Get on the waiting list for our upcoming course, “The Magic Pause: The 5-second technique that is the single most powerful, easy-to-implement, and sure-fire method for instant relief from the tightness and tension that causes musician’s injuries” https://bit.ly/3dthB06​
Joseph Arnold, Violinist, Alexander Technique Teacher, and Co-Founder of the Soulforce Music School
Aaron Bigeleisen, Vocalist, Alexander Technique Teacher Trainee, and Co-Founder of the Soulforce Music School
Soulforce Music on CastBox: https://bit.ly/39QFqg9
Check out our free meditations, talk-throughs, discussions, and more on our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3umgDbI
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