What to do when your music teacher can’t help you with music-related injuries…

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Your music teacher may be the very first person you talk to about the pain, tingling, or numbness that you’ve been experiencing. They might have advice some helpful for you, but what do you do when the advice doesn’t really work?
In this video, Joseph Arnold and Aaron Bigeleisen talk about how to deal with the doubt and uncertainty that comes up when you start having painful symptoms and it seems like your music teacher is just as lost as you are.
We also share exactly what to look for in the people you seek help from for chronic pain and discomfort, such as:
– RSI’s
– Overuse injuries
– Carpal tunnel
– Tendonitis
– Numbness
– Tingling
– TMJ syndrome
– Back pain
– *That spot* in your shoulder
– And other musician’s injuries
Sign up for our FREE mini course!
“5 Simple & Surprisingly Effective Techniques for Relieving Pain & Releasing Tension While Practicing Even the Most Challenging Music” https://bit.ly/3uz4dx8​
Got tension or pain? Join the waiting list for our upcoming course, “The Magic Pause: The 5-second technique that is the single most powerful, easy-to-implement, and sure-fire method for instant relief from the tightness and tension that causes musician’s injuries” https://bit.ly/3dthB06​
Joseph Arnold, Violinist, Alexander Technique Teacher, and Co-Founder of the Soulforce Music School
Aaron Bigeleisen, Vocalist, Alexander Technique Teacher Trainee, and Co-Founder of the Soulforce Music School
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